ING News

Luxembourg, 26/09/2024

ING Luxembourg reallocates staff following closure of three branches, makes good progress in concentrating client services to focus on personal and private banking offer

  • Closure of appointment-only branches in Kirchberg, Cloche d’Or and Rodange;
  • Branch closures discussed with the representatives of LCGB-SESF and ALEBA;
  • Concentration of staff in four large branches: Siège, Esch/Alzette, Ettelbruck and Strassen; adapting the service offering to changing customer needs;
  • No new wave of client account closures planned.

In line with the increased focus on Wholesale, Personal and Private Banking as announced in May 2024, ING is bringing its expert teams closer together to offer a more personalized banking service to its clients. “We are making good progress in positioning ING as the preferred financial partner of our Wholesale, Personal and Private Banking clients,” stated Michael Burch, CEO of ING in Luxembourg. 

As the bank focuses its operations to meet the expectations of private individuals with long-term investment needs, ING announced today that it will concentrate its physical banking services in Luxembourg in its headquarters office situated in Luxembourg Gare and its branches in Esch/Alzette, Ettelbruck and Strassen. The branches in Kirchberg, Cloche d’Or and Rodange, which have operated on an appointment-only basis since 2021, will cease in-person services on 30 November 2024.

Mr Burch emphasizes: "We are aware of the importance of clear communication and direct engagement with our clients and stakeholders regarding the repositioning of our bank. We have agreed with our stakeholders a formal process, but no new waves of client account closures are planned. During our meeting earlier this week, we discussed the branch closures in confidence with the representatives of LCGB-SESF and ALEBA. Additional client account closures, however, were not part of the discussion.” 

The decision to concentrate services in four branches and close the branches mentioned above has been supported by an analysis of client visits to ING branches performed over several months. The overall number of visits was limited, and ING is convinced that client needs will be better served in its remaining branches by personal bankers and/or via the contact center. 

All clients affected by the branch closures are being informed in writing, and alternatives are provided. Clients have access to their accounts and can perform their banking operations via My ING, ING’s banking app (accessible via mobile devices and web browser) and the contact center. Furthermore, the ING branches in Ettelbruck, Esch/Alzette, Strassen and Siège (ING’s headquarters) are open to clients with and without appointment (during regular business hours). All four branches are easily accessible using public transport. Additionally, the Strassen and Siège branches offer free parking facilities for clients.

The seven colleagues currently working in the three branches concerned will continue to provide high-quality services from ING’s other locations, ensuring continued support for all clients. 

"The changes announced today reflect our commitment to deliver personalized and specialized services to our Personal and Private Banking clients. We continue to invest in additional solutions for secure, convenient access to our services. At the same time, Luxembourg is ING’s global center of expertise for fund management, and we are further strengthening our services for our Wholesale Banking clients,” concluded Mr Burch.

Questions regarding the changes to ING’s branch network can be addressed as of today to ING’s contact center on weekdays from 8.30am until 6pm under the telephone number +352 44 99 1 or via My ING

For more information, please contact :

ING Luxembourg Press Office

Place de la Gare, 26
L-1616 Luxembourg
T: + 352 44 99 1

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