During the subscription period, it will be observed on a monthly basis what new net contribution has been made. The net contribution is the positive difference between all supplementary payments and withdrawals. This amount must be at least EUR 100,000 in order to qualify for the action.
On the 31st of October 2025, the net amount you have left in the management mandate will also be observed. This amount is your new net contribution during the subscription period less withdrawals made during the campaign period. It must be at least EUR 100,000 at the end of the campaign period to qualify for the campaign conditions. This amount will also be the cap used as a basis for calculating the reimbursement of management fees.
In other words, if you make a top-up payment of more than EUR 100,000 during the subscription period and leave it until the end of the holding period, all management fees related to that top-up will be refunded to you.
However, if you make a contribution and afterwards multiple withdrawals, this may exclude you from the conditions to be eligible for a reimbursement of the management fees.